Northwest Permaculture Presents

Gathering Together

Gather together for retreats, permaculture convergence, restoration work-play and all other onland events - to engage with us where ever the party is happening. Help us organize gatherings that repair Life on Earth, Caring for all People and Beings for a good future and to comfort our Kin.

This email update list will send you :

  • Updates on gathering events we organize or support. Currently Bells Mountain Restoration Events - more here.
  • Event emails sent a few times a year for our in-person gatherings usually (Zoom & hybrid events possibly too). *read small print
  • You will also get our Newsletter 1-2 times monthly (Community Meetings monthly and Permaculture Speaker Series -Zooms)
  • Community building and co-creating engagement opportunities.
  • Gather to organize talk and plan, we might send you our Slack/Discord/FB for event planning, to talk and collaborate.
  • We'll send sign up lists for projects to donate restoration plants and materials, tools, seeds, etc.
  • Food share sign ups for events, potlucks.
  • We'll ask you to answer a few question on your interest in our events, to allow us to offer a pay-as-you can gifting option ($0 to higher to help others less privileged  to attend).
  • Date and program possibilities queries (surveys to help us gauge interest and share resource costs)
  • * Small Print: the few times a year we organize an event, you may get emails once a week while we organize. Of course you can opt out anytime or ask for less sends.

How Do We Message You?

About NW Permaculture Team


Julie Wolf

NWPCC Board Organizer, Communications, On-boarding "Succession allies" & Teams


Shaelee Evans

NWPCC Board Co-Chair, past Pres, Tea Farmer


David Ahlgren

NWPCC Board, Water Land Harmonizer


You or our Next Team Ally

Title / Position